Sunday, June 5, 2011

Teacher Resources

youtube video: ser and estar
This video allows students to see the lesson as well as listen to it.  This is beneficial because it covers a wider spectrum of how people learn.  Most, if not all, high school students today are familiar with youtube, so using technology they use for entertainment means they will be more likely to enjoy the lesson.  "Good teachers" should not be afraid to teach lessons that are more on the students' level because this increases their interest in the subject.  It is also funny.  I would not really know how to make this lesson funny on my own, but this video does a good job of that.  I believe students will enjoy it more than a serious lesson I would teach them and if they enjoy it, they will take more away from it.  This video also gives examples.  Instead of simply saying how the verbs are used and what the differences are, it puts them into context.  At the end of the video, there is a review of what the rest of the video talked about, so it reenforces the ideas.

This game has different levels, so if some students are learning faster than others, they can chose a more difficult level to play.  This allows everyone to be challenged and those students who are not as advanced do not have to worry about others knowing their skill level.  Students enjoy getting out of the classroom, going to the computer lab, and working on their own sometimes because it is a nice break from the monotony of a normal class.  Even just a change in scenery can impact their interest and consequently, their performance.  In this game, students have to type out the answers, which helps some students learn.  They need to see the words spelled out and they remember them better if they have to spell them out.  At the end of the game there is a list of the words in English and Spanish and they are color coded as to which you answered correctly and which you answered incorrectly.  This gives the students a chance to see how they did and also to see which ones they need more practice on.  Again, I think it is important for teachers to incorporate technology into their lessons because today's high school students have grown up with this technology and they respond well to it.

El mundo article on matadores
This article could be used to create a debate or discussion.  First, the students would have to read the article, followed by contributing to the class discussion and listening to what the other students had to say about the topic.  In most World Language classes, students do a lot of writing, but they do not have the opportunity to use their other skills, especially speaking.  This lesson allows them to experience more of the forms of communication.  It is also a look at a cultural issue that is impacting Spain right now.  It could be one of many related articles I give them.  This will help students who are not so interested in the Spanish language get involved in class.  It could be a history and cultural lesson, as well as a way to practice/improve their speaking, reading, and listening skills.  It is important for teachers to realize that not all of their students want to be in their class.  They all have different interests and take most of their classes only because they are requirements.  If a teacher can show their students how that lesson/subject applies to other classes or the real world, the students will be more interested.  Students learn a lot from their peers.  It is always good to give them the chance to share their ideas and opinions.

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